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Chengyao Wu

Date:2017-06-20 Read:


Name: WU Chengyao

Degree: Doctor

Title: Lecturer

Major: Finance

Graduated University: Nanjing University

Research Field: Financial stability

Email: wucy@njau.edu.cn



National Natural Science Foundation of China, 71503130, limited attention of investors and security market regulation


Chengyao Wu*, Haifei Liu, Xindan Li (2011). Market reaction to good and bad news based on stability analysis of stock market.Journal of Management Science, 24(2): 85-93. (Chinese)

Hongxing Yao*,Chengyao Wu*, D-P Jiang, Juan Ding(2008). Chaos control in an investment model with straight-line stabilization method.Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 9, 651-622.(SCI, also received by American Mathematic Review)